Monday, June 11, 2012

June 9

Today was purely beautiful. Shin didn't hurt today. I had almost forgotten why I liked hiking. Woke rested after a night on the shelter porch. I was pleasantly surprised that my impromptu bug shelter worked.

Somehow I managed to start hiking by 7. That's quite unusual. My wake up alarm actually went off thirty minutes after I started hiking. Hiked through the best of what the trail had to offer - open, old woods, close forest, and open fields. The sun was shining; the birds were chirping. It was excellent. Even got to meet up with Fozzie from way back in erwin. He's been putting in some seriously impressive mileage. For the time being, I'm content with hiking, period.

Made it to rods hollow at 987. Trying to get to the blackburn trail center tomorrow. I'm looking forward to seeing all my Maryland friends and seeing the smithstonian soon! Official appalachian trail conservancy is going to happen Monday! Almost halfway done. Excellent indeed.


  1. We're glad we got to see you. Looking healthy and happy. Hope you enjoyed your SI tour! -Bethanee

    1. Thank you for the tour and making time to see me. It was amazing! I would never have guessed MuseumGeek was you ;b
