Friday, June 8, 2012

June 6

Other than a restless and sleepless night, today was pretty amazing.

I couldn't get to sleep last night because of the worst snorer I've ever had the displeasure of hearing. I slept in a shelter, and I should have known better. I figured out that shelters will always have at least one snorer even if that shelter only has one person.

The culprit happened to be right next to me. Not only that, but he was facing me. If you can imagine a bullhorn, smelling of fish, aimed at your face, you wouldn't be far off. It took a lot of self control not to wind up and punch in the head. His snoring was so bad that I picked up my mat and bag, got my tent, and trudged off into the cold to setup my shelter at 1030pm. I found the worst spot to setup a tent possible, but it was still better than the shelter. The night was quiet but cold after that.

The day started to improve rapidly after I got up. Since I have to do low miles (due to shin I hike about 15 now), I can leave the shelter around ten. This newfound extra time has already taught me that a bagel with peanut butter can be dipped in coffee just like a doughnut. It's pure deliciousness. That finding might have the ability to bring about global peace.

For lunch, I bought a reuben sandwich and sweet potato fries from the skyland restaurant. It was only 0.1 miles off the trail, cheap, and I needed ice for my shin. The sandwich coupled with some coffee about made my day.

After lunch some tourists were acting less than intelligently. A bear was next to the restaurant, and the tourists lined up for a picture. This bear obviously wasn't scared of humans. Also, there definitely weren't any bars between the bear and the humans like a zoo... could have ended badly. That's all I'm saying.

The sun finally drove off the fog! It's about ten degrees warmer now than it was yesterday. What capped this great day was the person who was in the shelter when I got there had a guitar. Not only that; he's a pure legend. He's been playing non-repeat since 5 and hasn't stopped by 915. Most songs are from the 60s. It's awesome! Others have started playing as well adding to the melodies fading with the light.

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